FsXPand/FsClient Error List

There are 2 types of errors:
1. You get a box and have to click a button to get rid of it,
2. There is a bottom line in either FsXPand or FsClient, but the program continous to run.

Of course you can get other annoying messages,  not being errors:
"FMC machine does not exist. Please create a share to FsClient folder."
"Couldn't write to ...../FMS "

- If there is not enough permission in your PC to create the share automatically, you have to do it manually. In that case the FsClient 8.x folder should be shared as 'FsClient' (so give it a name), and for 8 users (ample for the use of multiple clients and maybe other network use like remote administration).
- Another reason may be, that it already exists, but in another place. So before installing a new version, please make sure that the old FsClient is no longer shared!
- On some systems, an installed program gets a share from Windows. With a long number as a name. In that case, remove that share and create it yourself.
- Make sure your Windows firewall is not preventing FsXPand/FsClient to run: Allow both programs to connect and allow the use of port 9000 and higher.
- When creating a share manually, you will have to make sure that your permissions are right (full control).
- If you get "Unexpected Error, quitting, you have to switch off UAC. You have been warned already on installation.

Specific errors on Windows 7, 10 or Vista

1. Box to click away
First of all, FsClient will check if the necessary system files are on your machine. It will check write permissions as well for all appropriate directories. If you get a message about a missing file, or about an inability to write somewhere, check your permissions.

If this is ok, specific errors follow below:

Error Number Action
Automation Error -2005530518 (8876086a) This is a DirectX problem. Your video card may not be up to the task. You need at least a Geforce 6200. Update your driver!
Also, do not run in full screen mode. This will steal the focus of the rendering system and that of FsClient gauges is lost, presenting run-time error 2005530520.
ActiveX component can’t create object 429 Component may not be registered. Normally, components are registered automatically.
Something went wrong during installation, or a system file may have been removed/unregistered inadvertently while uninstalling other software. To restore the registration of the possibly missing file, click Start, Run, type (one by one):
- regsvr32 dao360.dll (you may need to use regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO\dao360.dll") ; please note that this path is different, depending on your language settings.

- regsvr32 scrrun.dll
- regsvr32 mswinsck.ocx
- regsvr32 comctl32.ocx
- regsvr32 dx8vb.dll

You should receive a message that the component was registered successfully. If not, ask support.
Directinput not initialised 10049 FsXPand requires DirectX version 8 or above. Please install DirectX if not installed.
Still the same problem?
Something went wrong during installation, or a system file may have been removed inadvertently while uninstalling a previous version. To restore the registration of the possibly missing file, click Start, Run, type:
- regsvr32 dx8vb.dll

You should receive a message that the component was registered successfully. If not, ask support.
Address family not supported 10049/10047 - Is your network up and running (TCP/IP)?
- Do ALL your firewalls (including in routers etc.) allow FsXPand and FsClient to exchange data over the network?
- Do ALL firewalls allow port number 9000 and up to be used by these programs? At least one case is known where the router firewall caused the IP asked for to be inaccessible.
Type Mismatch 13 1. Keep regional settings of all the PC's running FsXpand or FsClient THE SAME
2. If you change settings, preferably change the ENTIRE setting, not only one value.
PollFS Type Mismatch
Is your FSUIPC version correct? No other FSUIPC dll files present?
Path/file access error
Is there a share to FsClient folder called 'FsClient'? If not, create it.
If yes, and application stops: Maybe you are running on Vista. Preferably use Windows 7+, see here.
Unexpected error, quitting
system Maybe you are running on Vista. preferably use Windows 7+, see here
Object variable or with block variable not set
Missing a system file, database component tends to be absent although the program will copy and register it: DAO360.dll in Microsoft Shared directory C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO\dao360.dll
Register it: Click Start, Run, type : regsvr32 dao360.dll (you may need to use the full path with quotes around it)

This could very well be another one: please check the files in your system32 directory
regsvr32 scrrun.dll
regsvr32 mswinsck.ocx
regsvr32 comctl32.ocx
regsvr32 dx8vb.dll
Error loading DLL
Remove DAO360.DLL in your \Common files\Microsoft shared\DAO directory and reinstall. The path may vary per Windows version.
There may be a lock on DAO360.DLL coming from Windows Office.
Remove the lock using file unlocker software and reinstall FsXpand. If DAO360 fails to be installed at the destination folder (common files) then you may try to copy it manually from FsClient8X\WinDao and register manually (see above).

2. Bottom line


Error Action
DataArr: & error description Call support
FsXPand data Error: & error description Call support
Init****: & error description Call support
Display**** Error: & error description Call support


Error Action
Set****Values & error description Call support